

“Vermiglio,” a film directed by Maura Delpero, is an Italian fictional feature set to be released in 2024, telling the story of Italian soldier Peters, set in 1944. In the midst of World War II, Peters and Lucia change the course of their lives after Lucia’s father takes Peters in as a runaway from a remote mountain village in Vermiglio. The film ‘Vermiglio’ appears to be loosely connected to Delpero’s previous work ‘Maternal’, released in 2019.

Awards & Wins

“Vermiglio”, which was showcased in the 81st Venice International Film Festival where it claimed the Grand Jury Prize. It has been nominated to be the Italian entry in the Best International Feature Film at the 97th Academy Awards. Moreover, the film was given the Sorriso Diverso Venezia Award as the best Italian film as well as the NUOVOIMAIE Talent Award for best new young actress to Martina Scrinzi for her role in the film.

Cast & Crew

  • Director & Writer: Maura Delpero
  • Producers: Francesca Andreoli, Maura Delpero, Santiago Fondevila, Leonardo Guerra Seràgnoli
  • Cinematography: Mikhail Krichman
  • Editing: Gian Luca Mattei
  • Main Cast:
    • Giuseppe De Domenico as Pietro
    • Martina Scrinzi as Lucia
    • Tommaso Ragno as Cesare Graziadei
    • Roberta Rovelli as Adele
    • Carlotta Gamba as Virginia
    • Orietta Notari as Zia Cesira
    • Sara Serraiocco

IMDb Ratings

As of now, “Vermiglio” holds an IMDb rating of 7.8/10, reflecting generally favorable reviews from audiences.

Personal Insights

“Delpero certainly tackles several themes in this work including the war, the mountains, the alps, family and personal freedom. All reflect a story full of conflict yet reverent toward the family unit and the arch of history. The direction was astonishing as it radiated a global and specific perspective at the same time. The family performances, as the drama escalates, are remarkably efficient. The cast, including Martina Scrinzi and Giuseppe De Domenico, is impressive and enhances the story.

Cultural Significance

The movie explores the ideas of the continuity and the change, the position of women in societies organized around male domination and the position of the war in marginal societies. ‘Vermiglio’, by locating the narrative in a Ladin speaking region, brings to the forefront a cultural and linguistic minority that is mostly unknown in Italy, thus enriching the narrative with additional facets of realism. It is clear that Delpero’s family has deep roots in the area and she is determined to keep the traditions of the place alive, which makes the movie an emotional tribute to a culture which is fast disappearing.

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