Cholo Zombies is a horror-comedy film about a group of friends who bring about the resurrection of the dead, having opened a curse that was imposed on their neighborhood. The film intertwines in one plot horror and humor as the characters use outlandish means against zombies and try to get along with the eccentricities of their people. It is a satire of the zombie genre and the stereotypes of classical horror with a new twist thanks to jokes and cultural elements.
Kate del Castillo as anormal friend who seeks to escape the gruesome destiny of a survivor.
Michael Peña as a local legend who is full of humor
Danny Trejo as maverick retired army officer living in the area
Positive Aspects:
Focus on gags is enough, but does not overshadow other key points.
A very pleasant team chemistry between cast members especially Trejo and Peña.
An unusual setting which brings something new to the zombie genre.
Negative Aspects:
Cinematography is often cliché and targeted toward a single spectrum of viewers.
Apart from the climax, there are few points of the film that deliver a punch.