Survive revolves around the story of two survivors of a plane crash who are left lost in a cold and unfriendly wilderness terrain. With them are only a few basic supplies and no chances of being saved, they have to battle their outer surrounding as well as themselves in order to stay alive. The movie is an intense study of the ability of people to withstand torture, their will to survive, and the state of mind one gets to be in after being utterly separated from civilizations.
Sophie Turner as the resolute woman who stands to be the only survivor
Corey Hawkins as her friend who was also a victim of the plane crash
Positive Aspects:
The film manages to create enough tension and suspense which arises from the dark, unfriendly environment in which the action takes places, thus allowing for an almost strangulated feeling even though the scenery is vast and wide open.
Sophie Turner and Corey Hawkins’s portrayal of such experiences brings the physical and emotional fatigue involved in survival to the audience effectively.
Good practical effects combined with little CGI enhances the visual impact of the menacing environment convincingly.
Negative Aspects:
The film has some clichés; it utilises a particular pattern and predictive scenes that are akin to many survival thrillers in the industry.
The pacing may be too fast in some scenes where there is little action but so much focus on character building instead.