The Gregg Russell Story is an emotional drama of the biopic genre based on the life of musician Gregg Russell who went on to become famous as the musical exponent of beachside entertainment. The movie follows the steps of the progressive transformation of a desperate performer into Hilton Head Island’s cultural figure, thus telling the story of his injury to the local cultural ethos and the love for him in the eyes of his listeners who he had entertained for nearly a lifetime
Paul Dano as the one and only Gregg Russell
Annette Bening as his ever caring mother
Lily James as another musician
Positive Aspects:
The documentary offers a personal account of an artist who has been overlooked by the public in the media perspective, emphasizing on the little yet important parts taken out of his life.
Paul Dano in a well orchestrated performance renders a powerful and dramatic performance that brings to the stage a dedicated and passionate man who loves his profession, his people and loves to glue both together.
Filmed beautifully. Sceneries around the sandy beaches add warmth to the film.
Negative Aspects:
When it comes to the rhythm of the film, there are moments that are quite elongated, especially when one is new to climate life and work of Gregg Russell.
Relations on the screen do not have that much breadth since a number of supporting characters are left more sketchy.