Transformers One is an animated prequel in the Transformers franchise film which was directed by Josh Cooley. This film brings the audience to the very beginning of Cybertron, the home of Autobots and Decepticons, and hides within the plot the story of relations between Optimus and Megatron. The treatment describes the events of how the two erstwhile friends fell apart and gradually faced the fact of being foes. Naturally the tensions escalate, the preconditions for the epic pugilistic confrontation between Autobots and Decepticons is brought forth.
Chris Hemsworth como Optimus Prime
Brian Tyree Henry como Megatron
Scarlett Johansson como Elita
Keegan-michael key como Bumblebee
Jon Hamm como Sentinel Prime
Positive Aspects
New perspectives on the story: Due to the fact that we will learn more about the background of both Optimus and Megatron, the iconic war gives you a spin, making both of the characters more three dimensional.
Great work of voice actors: It’s obvious that the unbelievably strong cast such as Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson will add a lot into the voice acting of the movie, which promises to be a great plus of this film.
Transformers Saga Continues: The film brings in a different angle in the much awaited Transformers storyline, making it appeal to both fans of the story and those who may be interested.
Negative Aspects:
Franchise Fatigue: After this many transformers films, there is the danger that people may be fed up even with a new angle on the series.
Animation Concerns: Followers of the action filled films may not have as much interest in the animation style.